Nurturing Economic Empowerment Through Financial Education Across Tennessee

The Tennessee Financial Educators Council’s mission is rooted in providing people with the knowledge and guidance they need to foster greater financial well-being.

To this end, we provide complimentary resources, advocacy campaigns, and local personal support to build scalable financial wellness initiatives throughout Tennessee.

Strengthening Tennessee with Sustainable Economic Empowerment Programming

The mission of the Tennessee Financial Educators Council℠ is to build sustainable, scalable economic empowerment programs that have a real impact on people’s lives at the community level. To accomplishing this mission, we focus on these 3 Pillars:

Pillar 1: Increase Access & Develop Sustainable Financial Education Programming.

Organizations – We provide resources, training, personnel, and support to build scalable financial wellness programming.

Individuals & Families – Resources and courses are provided for those seeking to improve their own finances and/or teach their kids about money.

Pillar 2: Raise Awareness for Economic Empowerment through Financial Education.

Advocacy Promotion Campaigns – We promote the adoption of financial literacy into schools, getting families involved in teaching kids about money, and encouraging individuals to improve their knowledge.

Local Financial Education Data – Conducting and curating Tennessee-specific personal finance research to share with stakeholders across the education and media sectors.

Pillar 3: Develop Relationships to Deploy and Sustain Community Financial Wellness.

Combat Financial Illiteracy – This is a crucial moment for our country and its citizens. And financial literacy is the key to addressing one of this country’s top crises.

Grassroots Movement – Join us in the movement to help our community work toward greater financial independence and security. We welcome everyone. Here are a few ways you can join.

Join The Movement

Receivers of resources & support.

Promote the campaign across the community.

Join Advisory Board
Community leaders of local & state chapters.

Why We Are Uniquely Positioned to Serve

The Tennessee Financial Educators Council℠ is a state chapter of the National Financial Educators Council®. The National Chapter is well-qualified to support our initiatives here across the state of Tennessee – they bring:


As an IACET Accredited Provider, the NFEC offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard.

Social Impact

As a Certified B Corporation, the NFEC meets the highest standards for socially responsible commerce, using the power of business to build more sustainable economies.


The NFEC set industry standards for the financial education and financial coaching industry.

NFEC Financial Literacy Standard Alignment Verified

Our Local Champions Across Tennessee Make this Possible

Local champions ensure that financial education programming, resources and data are provided complimentary to individuals and organizations throughout Tennessee.

Tennessee Financial Literacy

What is the current status of Tennessee financial literacy? Across the Volunteer State, the Tennessee Financial Educators Council℠ is leading a movement to improve Tennessee financial literacy levels. This operation is part of a broader national effort to provide educational and informational materials related to handling personal finances to both community groups and individuals. As Tennessee financial literacy increases, the Volunteer State’s communities and citizens benefit equally.

Complimentary Financial Literacy Resources

Financial Education Framework and Standards

Personal Finance eLearning Center

Live Presentation Materials

Financial Literacy Testing

Tennessee Financial Literacy Legislation & Educational Stats

Tennessee’s totals of schools, students, and teachers rank very close to the national averages, according to the Common Core of Data (CCD) at the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics. In 2014-2015, Tennessee had 1,883 schools (vs. 1,972 average), 995,475 students (vs. 986,521 average), and 65,340 teachers (61,418 average).

In 2016 the Tennessee Legislature discussed two House Bills and two Senate Bills related to financial literacy, as summarized by the National Conference of State Legislatures (2016). For example, House Bill 2186 – related to selection of personal finance textbook by educational associations – encouraged that those textbooks selected should “contain substantive provisions on personal finance, including personal budgeting, credit and debt management, student loans, home mortgages, and similar personal financial topics.”

Tennessee Financial Capability Stats


Average Score of 58.97% to Date


Percentage of Passing [70%] Scores to Date


National Financial Capability Stats


Average Score of 64.26% to Date


Percentage of Passing [70%] Scores to Date


About the Tennessee Financial Educators Council℠

The Tennessee Financial Educators Council℠ has been partnering with the National Financial Educators Council® (NFEC®) since 2017. The collaboration represents the organizations’ joint efforts to develop viable community initiatives accomplishing shared goals for improving financial literacy outcomes.

National Financial Educators Council, State Financial Literacy Standards
National Financial Educators Council, State Chapters

Local champions ensure that financial education programming, resources, and data are provided complimentary to individuals and organizations throughout Tennessee.